Mueller’s testimony and investigation are over — THIS is the serious threat we now face

What’s been on the mind of so many for so long….

July 28, 2019    By Mark Penn, Fox News

Democrats weighs pros and cons in push for impeachment following Mueller hearing
Democrats pursue evidence outside of Mueller report; reaction from former deputy assistant attorneys general John Yoo and Harry Litman.

Robert Mueller’s testimony to Congress, by any reasonable standard, should have been the swan song of the impeachment movement.   More…


The Future Leaders of Oregon

From the Oregon Catalyst, First published July 24, 2019

SALEM, Ore. – Most young Oregonians have no memory of a time that the state government was not controlled by Portland progressives. Oregon hasn’t had a Republican Governor in 30 years nor a Republican-controlled legislative chamber in 13 years. This is causing some to coalesce around an organization called Future Leaders of Oregon (FLO), a newly formed networking and training group that is focused on reversing this trend.   More…

Yes, Washington is Listening 

Published July 26, 2019   By Craig Parshall, General Counsel for

Radio DialWhen I sent a legal memo over to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on October 15, 2008, with a modest proposal for a rule change, I had no idea it would take 8 ½ years to bear fruit. But it did. The happy result is something every non-commercial broadcaster should take advantage of.

Back then, as now, I was looking for ways in my capacity as General Counsel for National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) to move Christian broadcasting forward, to help change FCC rules that hampered rather than benefited the industry, and perhaps even to bless communities in the process.   More…

POLL: Majority Of Americans Oppose Reparations Despite Democratic Focus On The Issue

July 26, 2019    By Frank Camp, The Daily Wire

The idea of reparations has become a major talking point in the Democratic Party over the last several months – especially among the 2020 presidential candidates.

 In April, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced S.1083, a bill which would, according to its text, “establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery…”  More…

Motivation for Oregon Republicans

June 25, 2019   From the Bill Post Show

Oregonian staff writer Steve Duin (does he get paid directly by the Democrats or via a PAC?) writes an Op-Ed today that SHOULD be motivation for November 2020.

Dear Oregon Republicans:

Keep this article on your laptop, PC, mobile devices as a reminder. Pull it back up in November of 2020, cause I have hope, I believe we’ve “woke” the masses in Oregon with the 2019 Legislative session. Between HB 2020 (cap and trade), forced vaccinations, bad gun bills and heavy taxes, stupid statements made by Democrats on the House and Senate floor, we WILL win seats.  More…

Watch: Environmental Activists Superglue Themselves To The U.S. Capitol In Order To Push Ocasio-Cortez’s Agenda

As one commenter wrote about this stunt, “Let’s drop the word ‘activists’ here. They are a mob. A howling mob in the streets.”  Makes you wonder what kind of super glue the protesters used. I’d say the crazy kind.  Is that anything like Gorilla Glue?!

A group of environmental activists superglued themselves to the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday in protest of Congress’ failure to formally acknowledge the planet’s climate emergency. (Video) Extinction Rebellion, an organization known for employing civil disobedience to protest climate change, used Gorilla Glue to secure protesters’ hands onto the walls inside the tunnel that connects the House office buildings to the U.S. Capitol itself. The demonstration was meant to bring awareness to legislation declaring that the climate emergency demands a “national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization of the resources and labor” of the United States.   More…